Face Masks

Soft, Stretchy, Breathable, Washable and Reusable face mask.

 syzd swimwear have created a limited edition mask with a bespoke print design which are made to fit close to the face for the ultimate comfort and protection, with adjustable elastic for the right fight.

The face masks have two layer, the inner layer is made form 100% cotton with a small pocket for a filter (filters not sold with face masks) and our outer layer is a high performance sustainable techno-fabric made from 100% recycled polyester from pre and post consumer materials with our own bespoke print.


All face masks come with a small drawstring bag to keep safe

Delivery to UK is free





Please Note: this is not a medical grade mask. For the reasons of hygiene, no masks can be returned or exchanged. The UK Government advises that face masks should not be work by those who suffer from breathing difficulties


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